Blast from the Past

I've decided to repost some of my Myspace blogs from about a year ago, since no one uses Myspace anymore, and will never ever see them again. Please enjoy this blast from the past:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Current mood: awake
Category: Quiz/Survey
Did you marry someone from your high school?
Yes, in fact. We both went our separate ways for about two years before deciding we could no longer live without each other, though.

Did you car pool to school?
No. I drove about a mile and a half each day.
Did you know you can drive through the streets of Payson in Google Street View?

What kind of car did you have?
RACKTER (199x Geo Tracker, silver)

What kind of car do you have now?
Addie drives ABE 2: (2005 Toyota Corolla S)
Most of the time I just take Seattle Metro (New Flyer DE60LF, hybrid diesel-electric bus)

It's Friday night...where were you?
In Paul Dayton's attic, or Will Floyd's garage having a LAN party, or watching MST3K.

It's Friday night..where are you now?
Sitting at home watching Netflix.

What kind of job did you have in high school?
CompUSA: Hardware Sales Team member

Were you a party animal?
Wooo! Party!
Pass me another Mountain Dew!
DAMMIT, GABE! This time, you're getting the REDEEMER.

Were you considered a flirt?
Far from it. Lucky for me, Addie flirted with me anyway.

Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
I quit orchestra in Jr High. I took drama for a while. I was part of PCN and the school newspaper. I took every single computer and electronics class that Payson offered.

Did you get suspended/exepelled?
Nope. Although they did pull me into the office one time after Columbine, because I owned a black trench coat.

Can you sing the fight song?

"Nothing suffocates you more than
The passing of everyday human events
Isolation is the oxygen mask you make
Your children breathe in to survive"
"And when we were good, you just closed your eyes
So when we are bad, we'll scar your mind
Fight, fight, fight, fight"

Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)?
Mr. Strange, Mr. Alexander, Coach Hill, and of course Kevin Poulsen.

Where did you sit during lunch?
The commons, right next to the main office.

What was your school's full name?
Payson High School
(check out the 1337.html)

When did you graduate?

What was your school mascot?
Some sort of lion?

If you could go back and do it again, would you?
I thoroughly enjoyed high school, and I often miss my high school friends, but
timetravel is his highly dangerous
, and I wouldn't want to risk branching the timeline.

What do you remember most about graduation?
Paul Dayton (one of my best friends), and Marcie Twede (my first elementary-school crush) each giving Valedictorian speeches.

Who did you take to prom Sr yr?
Heidi Kroeber (aka Addie Lazenby), both her senior year and my senior year.

Did you have fun at Prom?
Oh yeah.

Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with?
Well, seeing as how I live with her, it's kind of hard not to...

Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?
Hell yes! (I didn't go to the 5 year reunion, and I regret it.)

Do you still talk to people from school??
I still keep in fairly regular contact with current and former Utards, including: Jordan Atkin, Jeff Carter, Paul Dayton, Jake Waters, and of course, Addie.
Currently listening:
Fight Song
By Marilyn Manson
Release date: 2001-08-08

1 comment:

Mechnoch said...

I'll fix the links later, so they don't redirect through msplinks.