The Future's So Bright...

It's simply amazing how much has happened in my life recently. I had another bipolar episode. I'm getting a divorce. I met a girl through an innovative iPhone app. And I'm finally moving back into my apartment this week.

As far as these events could have gone, I'm holding up surprisingly well. No small thanks goes out to my friends and family that stood by me through this ordeal. And if this is the first you've heard about this, please know that the reason is that I did not want to cause you undue stress while I sorted things out. Things are mostly sorted now, and I'm ready to resume my life again. This is Sage v2.0.1. More of the features you love, fewer distractions.

As soon as the apartment is mostly redecorated, I'm throwing a massive housewarming party. You're all invited!

In the immortal words of Andrew W.K.

1 comment:

Paul Jones Dayton said...

Quite a torrent of changes in a small amount time. I hope all is well --- I can't even imagine what it is like to go through what you are going through.